The story revolves around the life of Vijay Shekhawat (Harman Baweja) and his father Ram Shekhawat (Anupam Kher). Ram has great aspirations for his son Vijay, who he dreams will play for the Indian cricket team one day. His dream eventually comes true when Vijay makes it to the Indian team. His childhood friend Nandini (Amrita Rao) has believed in him since the very first time he spoke the name of cricket and never ever doubted him. However, this happiness is short-lived as Vijay soon loses his place in the team, as well as the respect he has earned, when he lets his new-found fame get the better of him.
Vijay soon discovers how quickly the media and the public can make a villain out of a hero. Unable to bear the shock and humiliation, Ram suffers a brain hemorrhage. Nandini takes the responsibility to care for Ram and take in Vijay. Vijay and Nandini fly to Australia to have surgery on his back.The surgery is successful and Vijay soon realises that Nandini his childhood friend could be his life partner. He grows feelings towards her but Nandini is still healing after Vijay's bad side took over and is finding it hard to trust him and behave like his true best friend again and act like old times. They return to Jaisalmer and Vijay vows to be a better cricketer for his country. He proves himself to his father and Nandini that he can play for his country and his coach relies on him too. He gets selected once again to play in the major international cricket tournament, he earns himself an injury whilst playing but vows to still play no matter his health. He wins the cricket tournament and returns to his hometown Jaisalmer, to see his dada and Nandini. Vijay and his dad reconcile and just when everything is going fine Ram dies in Vijay's arms. They hold the funeral and we see Vijay and Nandini comforting each other in the end scene. We assume they get together. And it finishes with Vijay once again playing in a cricket tournament and playing for his country, Dada and his religion.
Actor | Role |
Harman Baweja | Vijay Shekhawat |
Amrita Rao | Nandini |
Anupam Kher | Ram Shekhawat |
Gulshan Grover | Andy Singh |
Dalip Tahil | Indian Team Coach |